Learn More About Our Community

Best Way To Contact Us

(513) 297-6251


Property Name

The Verge

Property Address

165 W McMillan St, Cincinnati OH 45219

Amenity Availability

Amenities are open 24 hours. Residents are responsible for their guests and must be accompanied by resident at all times.

Internet Information

Please contact Single Digits, at (833) 453-1824, for assistance. Username: The Verge – Residents Password: VergeCinciWifi.

Trash Information

Trash rooms are located on the Northeast and Southeast corners of the corridors on floors 1-4. On floor 5 and 6, the trash room is only located in the Northeast corner. For our townhome residents, trash and recycling carts can be found on the street corner of Lyon and Clifton.

Parking & Towing Information

Parking is only available for those who have secured a parking pass with management. We do not offer short-term or guest parking at any time. Bike and scooter storage is located in the Southeast corner of the P2 garage level and is available for all residents. Towing is monitored by OKI Towing, (513) 615-2698, 4021 Dumont St, Cincinnati, OH 45226

Maintenance Emergencies

Maintenance Emergency Qualifications: A/C room temperature is 80 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. Any kind of water intrusion, fire, or power outage. Contact information for after-hours is (513) 297-6251 and you will be directed to the operator.

Information For Packages

Use the property address above with your unit number and bed space. The package room is open for deliveries during business hours (Monday-Friday 10 am-7 pm, Saturday 10 am-5 pm, Sunday 1 pm-5 pm). Package pickup will be 24/7 with our LuxerOne system. You have the option to set up an account and receive email and text updates when your package arrives. Visit the package room, enter the code that Luxer sends them, and then they can enter the package room to get your package. Each resident is given a mail key and their mailbox is located right next to the leasing office. If they have roommates, they will share the mailbox with all tenants of the unit.


Call 513-297-6251 and follow the prompts. A staff member will assist as soon as possible when they make the call. There is a $75 lockout fee to be assessed to their account on the next business day.

Conservice Information

There is a new account fee of $62.40 which is a one-time charge. Residents will pay for electricity on their resident profile. Charges for the month will post before or on the 1st of each month when rent is due.

Valet Trash Information

Trash is the resident’s responsibility to dispose of in the properly marked areas. Residents can contact the leasing office with any requests for larger trash items to dispose of.

Emergency Services

Clifton Police Non-Emergency: (973) 470-5900

Mental Health Resources

University of Cincinnati Counseling and Psychological Services, https://www.uc.edu/campus-life/caps.html, at (513) 556-0648. If you are in need of crisis support or after-hours care, dial (513) 556-0648 and follow the prompts to be connected to care.

Energy Saving Guide

Our community is committed to sustainability, providing energy-efficient features like LED lighting, smart thermostats, and low-flow fixtures. Here are some practical tips to help you save energy and reduce your carbon footprint, contributing to a more sustainable future. For more information or any questions, please call your community management office. Together, we can pave the way for a greener tomorrow!

The Verge is a LEED BD+C: NC Gold (2009) certified building.

Laundry Like a Pro

  • Wash full loads with cold water to save energy. Use the spin and drain settings to cut down drying time.
  • Consider using a drying rack to air dry clothes when possible for an even greener approach. This not only saves energy but also extends the life of your clothes. And remember to clean the lint trap regularly for optimal dryer performance.

Dishwashing Done Right

  • Wait until the dishwasher is full to run a load, and air-dry dishes to save energy.
  • If you are handwashing dishes, be sure to turn the water in between dishes.

Bright Ideas for Lighting

  • Our community already has LED lightbulbs, which use up to 75% less energy and last much longer than incandescent bulbs.
  • Make the most of natural light during the day by unplugging devices and turning off lights when not in use to reduce phantom energy usage.

Temperature Tricks for Savings

  • Set your thermostat a few degrees higher in summer and lower in winter. Use programmable settings to optimize heating and cooling when you’re home and away.
  • Use ceiling fans to circulate air. In summer, set them to run counterclockwise for a cool breeze, and in winter, clockwise to distribute warm air.

Water Wisdom

  • Take shorter showers to save both water and the energy used to heat it. Aim for 5-minute showers and consider using a water-saving showerhead.
  • Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth or shaving, and only run full loads in the dishwasher and washing machine.
  • Collect cold water while waiting to warm up and use it to water plants or clean.